Monday, May 07, 2007

Babies and Psychiatrists


Everyone manipulates to some degree or other. There is nothing inherently wrong in manipulating others. Basically I manipulate to get my needs met. The ways I manipulate, that’s what I need to work on. I’ve learned it’s better to ask a person what I want, to give that person a choice.
I am recognizing the ways I manipulate people. I can’t say I will give up manipulating, I learned this behavior when I was a baby.
A baby is the master manipulator of all time. I coundn’t speak but I did cry, I didn’t know what I wanted and left it up to my parents to figure out what I needed. As I grew up and learned about myself, learned how hungry felt, learned how cold felt, learned to talk, I was able to ask to be fed, clothed, have my needs met. My parents taught me how to communicate my wants and needs, but some of the ways they taught me are not acceptable in society.
I can’t really blame them. I started school and was exposed to different, better ways of asking how to get my needs met. However, when I brought these new ways home, they were rejected and the old ways became ingrained.
I entered psychiatry. Doctors, psyciatrists in particular, are the grandest of all manipulators of all times, second only to babies. They are worse than babies in that they deny any manipulative behavior. They hide their manipulations behind the excuse, It’s for the patient’s own good. They determine, enforce, and make the person change with drugs, different programs, and worse, with their damaging labels.
Manipulating is a basic human behavior. I can’t really say it’s good, but I can say it is bad when a group of people use this behavior to denigrate, humiliate, control, set apart with the label Borderline another group of people because they, psychiatrists. do not like the ways their patients behave.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this post. I epecially like the way you pointed out that babies manipulate to get what they need. I think it is important to know that what we need and what we want may be quite different. Thanks for writing and offering people some new ideas.