Monday, March 24, 2008

Many times I asked a doctor for help tapering off my cocktail of psych drugs. The usual answer was no because the doctor was afraid I would get depressed again. My family also said the same thing, how afraid they were I would become depressed again. My friends also told me without psych drugs they were afraid I would become very sick again. What I never understood, if these doctors, my former psychs, my friends, and my family were so afraid I would become sick, why was I the one forced to take these drugs? Why weren’t these people forced to take psych drugs since they were the ones who were out of control of their fears for me?

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Mental Illness and Diabetes: A Patient’s Thoughts

I have listened to all my psychs, many doctors, and my family tell me having a mental illness is like diabetes.
Mental illness is not at all like diabetes. A doctor can detect diabetes with a simple blood test. No psychiatrist can do the same with any mental illness.
There is a specific chemical imbalance that causes diabetes. None of my psychiatrists can prove a chemical imbalance is the reason I keep talking about the ways my family emotionally abuses me. No psychiatrist can prove a chemical imbalance causes me to say I was raped by a convicted pedophile.