Friday, September 12, 2008


Why are Psychiatrists considered medical doctors when all the medicine they practice is prescribing psychiatric medications? Beyond the initial physical exam when entering the hospital, these doctors write out the prescription for me to take and it’s the nursing staff’s responsibility to see that I take what I need per doctor’s orders.
These psychiatrists have everyone, even their fellow medical doctors, all specialists in different diseases of the BODY, convinced that they, the psychiatrists, are the ONLY ones who are knowledgeable about these psych meds. After all, they took special training and courses and keep updated on these medications, proof they are truly the only ones qualified to prescribe, regulate and monitor these special medications.
I ask everyone, why, at the first signs of a medication reaction, like hives, why am I sent to a medical doctor to rule out a medical condition, and when the hives are not an allergic reaction to a physical allergy, then why are my hives considered a psychogenic reaction so my dose of the psych meds increased to treat my hives? And, why do the hives disappear for awhile but come back and be treated again with a higher dosage, and so the merry-go-round continues until I’m switched to another medication that doesn’t give me hives but another reaction occurs and here I go again, back to a medical who is getting resentful of my using up her time with these psychogenic reactions when she has real patients with real diseases to treat. So I get told, bad news, your blood test is negative. So back I go to my psychiatrist to be re-evaluated for a hidden mental illness or a deep seated psychic disturbance.
Why weren’t the medical doctors working together with the psychiatrists because, as I’ve been told many times by these medical doctors, you cannot separate the body from the mind.
All these psych meds are still too new. Not even the psychiatrists themselves can claim they know all the potential side effects. So when I have a reaction that isn’t classified yet, why am I instantly accused of faking it? Of having a psychogenic reaction? And why aren’t conventional medical centers, alternative health centers and alternative psychiatric treatment facilities working side by side to research and treat these so called psychogenic reactions? We all need to learn to work together in a spirit of mutual respect and cooperation, so an alternative to psychiatric drug treatment can be discovered.
This I so believe.

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